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Choose your pricing plan
Nurture from Within
390CHFBoost your overall health and Immune System in 3 Sessions.Valid for 3 months- ( Online Sessions )
- CHF 390
- 1 Health evaluation + 2 Check-up Sessions
- Personalised Meal Plan & specific Nutrition hacks for YOU!
- A list of Immune-boosting nutrients, vitamins and herbal
- medicines all targeted towards your health body & mind.
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- *therapy recognized by alternative med. insurances (EMR)
Stress Relief & Mindful every day hacks
560CHFPersonal guidance & techniques to reduce stress, prevent Burnout and enhance your Focus.Valid for 3 months- ( Online Sessions )
- CHF 560
- An initial overall Stress assessment
- 1 Session per week of Burnout prevention
- Daily mindfullness and weekly planning hacks,
- understanding signs of Burnout and preventing it.
- 1 Session per Week for 4 weeks in Total
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- *recognized by alternative med. insurances (EMR)
Immune Resilience
250CHFPersonalized Herbal blends & Myco-therapy to empower your defenses.Valid for 2 months- ( Online Sessions )
- CHF 250
- Full Health Assessment + Consultation/ application
- Prescribed & personlized herbal medicines or Myco-blends
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- *recognized by alternative med. insurances (EMR)
Nurture from Within
390CHFSteigere deine innere Gesundheit und allg. Kraft in 3 Sitzungen!Valid for 3 months- ( Online Sessions )
- CHF 390
- aktuelle Gesundheitsanamnese + 2 Folgetermine
- individueller Ernährungsplan & Tipps nur für Dich!
- Personalisierte Liste von Vitalpilze od. pflanzliche med.
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- *Von EMR-Versicherungen anerkannt
Stress Relief & Mindful every day hacks
560CHFPersönliche Begleitung + Techniken gegen Stress und BurnoutValid for 3 months- ( Online Sessions )
- CHF 560
- Assessment allg. Gesundheit, Energie- und Stresslevels
- 1 persönliche Konsultation pro Woche & Burnout-Prävention
- Tägliche Achtsamkeit & Präventions Tipps
- Symptome von Burnout erkennen & verhindern
- 1 mal pro Woche, für 4 Wochen
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- *Von EMR-Versicherungen anerkannt
Immune Resilience
250CHFIndividuelle Pflanzen- & Myko-Therapie zur Stärkung deines ImmunsystemsValid for 2 months- ( Online Sessions )
- CHF 250
- Erste Anamnese & Beratung
- Pers. Kräutermedizin od. Vitalpilz Therapie
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- *Von EMR-Versicherungen anerkannt
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